This page will be used to keep record of articles I have had printed. It will hopefully act as an archive and to help motivate me to write more.
Notes & Comments- The Status of Jesus Christ- December 2011
THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS : A Notes & Comments piece discussiing the differing views on Jesus Christ and how scholarship can over complicate things in the Biblical world [more]
Rozabal - The Tomb of Jesus Christ?- December 2010
THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS : December 2010, Rozabal - The Tomb of Jesus Christ? by Arif Khan - Is the Rozabal Tomb in Srinagar, Kashmir the tomb of Jesus? This articles examines the question along with presenting recent media coverage of the site.
The Shroud of Turin - August 2010
THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS : August 2010,The Shroud of Turin, by Arif Khan - a detailed article examining the Shroud and if it supports the thesis that Jesus survived the Crucifixion
Humanity's Messiah - The Secret Life of Jesus Christ - June 2010